
Review: Awakening: A not too distant future, Book 1 by Eric Jeffrey Kaufman

Review: Awakening: A not too distant future, Book 1 by Eric Jeffrey Kaufman My rating: 4 of 5 stars I feel like, lately, I’ve been difficult to please in terms of the stories I have been reading. My past couple of reviews have been leaning toward the negative end of the spectrum. While I enjoy […]


Review: EVE-0 by Danielle Gomes

Review: EVE-0 by Danielle Gomes My rating: 2 of 5 stars It’s incredible how quickly things change. Whether changes that occur be good or bad, the speed with which they happen has always been a bit surreal to me. That said, it has always been interesting to me how real-life events and the changes that […]


Review: Angel Avenger: A Max Becker Thriller by Tim Wickenden

Review: Angel Avenger: A Max Becker Thriller by Tim Wickenden My rating: 2 of 5 stars Sometimes, I don’t need much to entice me to pick up a book. An interesting premise can be powerful enough on its own to pique my interest and make me want to know more. With Tim Wickenden’s Angel Avenger, […]


Review: Then … You by Nicole Petrino-Salter

Review: Then … You by Nicole Petrino-Salter My rating: 2 of 5 stars I must admit, as much as I adore reading, romance is a genre that I have sorely neglected. Because of that, I had some anxiety regarding how I would feel and react to this story. Overall, having gone through it, I admit […]


Review: Delaware Before the Railroads: A Diamond Among the States by Dave Tabler

Review: Delaware Before the Railroads: A Diamond Among the States by Dave Tabler My rating: 3 of 5 stars So, I am going to start this review off with a confession: geography was one of my most difficult subjects in grade school and, before diving into this book, I knew next to nothing about the […]


Review: The Cautionary Woman by Darren Darker

Review: The Cautionary Woman: She found a reason to live, only for another woman to want her dead. by Darren Darker My rating: 2 of 5 stars When I go in to look for a book, any number of factors could potentially entice me to pick something up. Sometimes, it is how closely I relate […]


Review: Tales from the Cosmic Boneyard by Tim Pearsall

Review: Tales from the Cosmic Boneyard by Tim Pearsall My rating: 2 of 5 stars When I think about the short story format, my mind usually jumps to my favorite story of all time in that medium: Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. I read that short story when I was in middle school, and […]


Review: My Perfect Funeral by Patrick Goodwin

My Perfect Funeral by Patrick Goodwin My rating: 4 of 5 stars When I set out to write a book review or blog piece, I usually keep personal information about myself to a minimum and try to focus exclusively on whatever I am discussing. However, in the case of this review, that is a bit […]


Review: Sandorn’s Prison by Thom Bedford

Review: Sandorn’s Prison by Thom Bedford My rating: 4 of 5 stars When I picked up the Sandorn’s Allegiance series, I was not entirely sure what to expect. Having finished this second installment now, I can say that I am really starting to get seriously invested in the narrative Thom Bedford is creating. While I […]


Review: The Brittle Sky by Tom Kane

My review of the first book in this series is here. My review of the second book is here. Review: The Brittle Sky by Tom Kane My rating: 4 of 5 stars When I first picked up The Brittle Saga by Tom Kane, I didn’t fully realize what I was in for. As the story […]