
Review: Sandorn’s Command by Thom Bedford

Review: Sandorn’s Command by Thom Bedford My rating: 4 of 5 stars It’s hard for me to say what story introduced me to science fiction. One look at my bookshelf and you’ll see many different novels spanning many different genres. I do remember thinking to myself last year that it had been a while since […]


Review: The Brittle Land by Tom Kane

The Brittle Land by Tom Kane My rating: 4 of 5 stars My review of the prequel is here. Diving into Tom Kane’s The Brittle Sea, I will confess to having been surprised by what the narrative threw at me. Going in, I had expected a story solely surrounded by the backdrop of the RMS […]


Review: Worldcatcher by Casey Waldam

Review: Worldcatcher by Casey Waldam My rating: 4 of 5 stars My relationship with YA literature has been interesting, to say the least. When I was in high school (as the target audience for stories in this age category) I did not often find myself reading YA for fun. It just did not interest me […]


Review: The Brittle Sea by Tom Kane

Review: The Brittle Sea by Tom Kane My rating: 4 of 5 stars Back in 2016, right before I graduated high school, my favorite singer at the time began a project where he set historical events to instrumental music. The first event I listened to was his interpretation of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. […]


Review: The Holy Grail War: The Hedgehog by Armanis Ar-Feinial

Review: The Holy Grail War: The Hedgehog by Armanis Ar-Feinial My rating: 3 of 5 stars I have loved reading for years and, in trying to find what appeals to me, I have come across some unique concepts that grabbed me and made me want to know more. When this happens, it is easy to […]


Review: Sicilian Roulette by Anthony Di Angelo

Review: Sicilian Roulette by Anthony Di Angelo My rating: 5 of 5 stars Last October, I got into a drama series involving a crime family in Birmingham, England. I enjoyed it so much that it opened me up to the possibility of exploring other stories dealing with the world of crime. That is why, when […]


Review: The Dark Portal by Kyle Belote

Review: The Dark Portal by Kyle Belote My rating: 2 of 5 stars Science fiction can be an incredibly intriguing genre. When I was in college, I took a literature class explicitly dealing with science fiction, and it showed me just what can be done when dealing with these subjects in a written narrative to […]


Review: Everything You Dream is Real by Lisa de Nikolits

Review: Everything You Dream is Real by Lisa de Nikolits My rating: 3 of 5 stars I’ll be the first to admit that I tend to lean toward weird and/or unconventional things. I remember, when I was in college in a creative writing class, my professor suggested to me one day that my own prose […]


Review: Harbinger by Frank Winter

Review: Harbinger by Frank Winter My rating: 4 of 5 stars Picking up Frank Winter’s Homecoming, I remember being unsure of what to expect. Despite my initial feelings, the story grabbed me relatively quickly and the rest of the narrative was incredibly enjoyable to follow. I was very excited to continue this story for that […]


Review: Homecoming by Frank Winter

Review: Homecoming by Frank Winter My rating: 5 of 5 stars I tend to rate stories based on how they make me feel, and this generally means my gut reaction is one of the most important factors of my review process, if not the most important. Now, of course, in writing these reviews I do […]